Przeprojektowany pawl umożliwia szybsze i łatwiejsze ładowanie/rozładowywanie rewolwerów jednostrzałowych Ruger. Trzyma zasuwnicę z dala od rowków blokujących cylinder, kiedy otwarta jest bramka ładująca, co pozwala na swobodne obracanie cylindra w dowolnym kierunku. Nie ma potrzeby ponownego obracania cylindra, jeśli przekręcisz go za daleko; ułatwia to ustawienie pustej komory pod młotkiem. Pomaga zawodnikom strzeleckim w poprawie czasów i wyników przeładowania. Myśliwi, strzelcy sportowi i miłośnicy strzelectwa docenią dodatkową wygodę łatwiejszego ładowania.
SPECS: Stal. Blackhawk pasuje do nowego modelu Ruger Blackhawk, Bisley, Vaquero sprzed 2005 roku oraz do pojedynczych akcji Super Blackhawk. Vaquero pasuje do nowego Vaquero, z mniejszą ramą chwytu “XR3”, wprowadzoną w 2005 roku. Wymagane dopasowanie przez rusznikarza.
Quicker & Easier Loading, Unloading
Redesigned pawl enables faster and easier loading/unloading of Ruger single action revolvers. Holds the bolt away from the cylinder locking notches when the loading gate is open, so the cylinder can rotate freely in either direction. No need to spin the cylinder around again if you miss a click and go too far; makes it easier to set an empty chamber under the hammer. Helps competitive shooters improve reload times and scores. Hunters, target shooters, and outdoorsmen will enjoy the added convenience of easier reloading.
SPECS: Steel. Blackhawk fits Ruger new model Blackhawk, Bisley, pre-2005 Vaquero and Super Blackhawk single actions. Vaquero fits the New Vaquero, with the smaller “XR3” grip frame, introduced in 2005. Gunsmith fitting required.
Liczba ocen: 9
Od 9
Średnia ocena: 5
Power hit a home run with this one(29-04-2010)
I am always a bit skeptical about having to replace parts on new model firearms. When a new model Vaquero came in the shop with a broken pawl, I thought it was going to take a lot of time fitting it to the revolver. Not the case! The Power free spin pawl was literally a "drop in" part. Good show Power!
Truly a drop in product(10-12-2010)
In the past, with the Powers Free Spin pawls it was a toss up as to whether they would require fitting to achieve true freespin capablilites. With the free spin pawls for the New Vaqueros I have to date not had to fit a single one. Maybe I have just been lucky but I sure hope it continues because it is such a pleasure to drop in a part and be done with it.
Save yourself a headache, buy it!(19-06-2009)
I hated fumbling around trying to match the cylinder to the loading gate on my Vaquero. It never failed that I'd miss one and have to spin around all over again. This fixed the problem for good! It took a little stoning for it to match perfectly, but if you can follow directions, you can do it yourself. The only thing I miss is sound of the cylinder whir when it spun... It's silent now.
So worth the money!!!(02-10-2009)
Oh I love this thing! Buy it!!
Need I really say more, having the free spin on the cylinder is well worth it since it's typical that you somehow spin past where you can insert the bullet, then have to spin all the way around again.
Installation is super super simple, you just have to remove the trigger (bisley or blackhawk) and it's a simple drop in install.
While I was in there I noticed the trigger parts has some machine marks on them, so i polished them up with my dremel tool and that also made a huge differance to the trigger pull.
Old model Vaquero install(01-04-2010)
I have installed 2 in "old model" vaqueros, the original larger frame model. The instructions mention a "spacer" that needs to be installed with the pawl. I have not needed the spacer at all and it is a good thing since it is not included and I have not been able to determine what power custom is refering to. Other than that the instructions are easy to follow if you have decent skills. You don't need to be a gunsmith but neither of my installs were "drop in". Both took filing and stoning in 2 separate places (all readily explained in the instructions). As the instructions specify, you need to proceed a little at a time and not over do the filing or stoning. This necessitates several times of dismantling and reassembling the revolver, but done with some patience you will end up with a well "timed" and smooth operating revolver. I am ordering a couple more! Highly recommend!
Definitely worth the effort!(16-09-2010)
While not difficult to install, the free-spin pawl can sometimes prove to be tedious to fit properly. (Depends upon the individual firearm). Good, thorough instructions are provided.
A MUST for dangerous game hunting. If a bullet jumps the crimp to protrude past the cylinder face, when that round comes to battery, shooting ceases until that round is cleared. This pawl allows one to rotate the cylinder counter-clockwise (backwards), remove the offending round, and continue firing/reload/re-index as necessary.
I ALWAYS put one on my Ruger SA's when I'm doing a trigger job.
Great Product(17-02-2012)
This is one of those items that makes a good product even better. The Blackhawk that I installed this on required a considerable amount of fitting of the pawl(Brownels detent spring clamp 080-906-000 made the fitting bearable). The instruction sheet that accompanied the pawl were almost unreadable and,in fact, several lines were missing due to poor copying of the sheet. That being said, after installation it worked beautifully! For the competitve shooters it is a must!
Ruger Free Spin Pawl by Power Custom(28-07-2012)
I am an avid shooter and am rather fond of the Ruger S/A's. This product makes a good gun better. This eliminates the need to rotate the cylinder all the way around when over rotating while loading or unloading the gun. The installation is relatively easy and only minor fitting of the pawl was necessary in my Bisley. A diagram would've been helpful but any careful/competent gun owner can do this.
A must have for me(20-03-2017)
I have one in every Blackhawk I own. They are easy to install, especially if you watch Ron Power on YouTube. Take your time removing a small amount at a time and a free spin cylinder is guaranteed. Chances are extremely good this will NOT be a drop in part. You will need a sharp file, some way to hold the part while filing (hopefully you have a vice), and calipers to measure. Watch the video!
Nr produktu: 713000077 POWER CUSTOM NEW VAQUERO FREE SPIN PAWL Numer części: FSP2005 Przeprojektowany pawl umożliwia szybsze i łatwiejsze ładowanie/rozładowywanie rewolwerów jednostrzałowych Ruger. Trzyma zasuwnicę z dala od rowków blokujących cylinder, kiedy otwarta jest bramka ładująca, co pozwala na swobodne obracanie cylindra w dowolnym kierunku. Nie ma potrzeby ponownego obracania cylindra, jeśli przekręcisz go za daleko; ułatwia to ustawienie pustej komory pod młotkiem. Pomaga zawodnikom strzeleckim w poprawie czasów i wyników przeładowania. Myśliwi, strzelcy sportowi i miłośnicy strzelectwa docenią dodatkową wygodę łatwiejszego ładowania.
339PLN4339,00 zł
Czas dostawy ok. 14-21 dni. 4 szt. w magazynie w USA
Made in USA
US export classification: 0A501.x
Elementy te są kontrolowane przez rząd USA i dopuszczone do eksportu tylko do kraju docelowego przeznaczenia do wykorzystania przez ostatecznego odbiorcę lub użytkowników końcowych określonych w niniejszym dokumencie. Nie można ich odsprzedawać, przekazywać ani w inny sposób rozdysponowywać do żadnego innego kraju ani do żadnej innej osoby niż upoważniony odbiorca końcowy lub użytkownik końcowy, w oryginalnej postaci lub po włączeniu do innych przedmiotów, bez uprzedniego uzyskanie zgody od rządu USA lub w inny sposób zatwierdzony przez prawo i przepisy USA.
This item is controlled by the U.S. government and authorized for export only to the country of ultimate destination for use by the ultimate consignee or end-user(s) herein identified. It may not be resold, transferred, or otherwise disposed of, to any other country or to any person other than the authorized ultimate consignee or end-user(s), either in their original form or after being incorporated into other items, without first obtaining approval from the U.S. government or as otherwise authorized by U.S. law and regulations.
Nr produktu: 713105000 POWER CUSTOM BLACKHAWK FREE SPIN PAWL Numer części: PCRFSP Przeprojektowany pawl umożliwia szybsze i łatwiejsze ładowanie/rozładowywanie rewolwerów jednostrzałowych Ruger. Trzyma zasuwnicę z dala od rowków blokujących cylinder, kiedy otwarta jest bramka ładująca, co pozwala na swobodne obracanie cylindra w dowolnym kierunku. Nie ma potrzeby ponownego obracania cylindra, jeśli przekręcisz go za daleko; ułatwia to ustawienie pustej komory pod młotkiem. Pomaga zawodnikom strzeleckim w poprawie czasów i wyników przeładowania. Myśliwi, strzelcy sportowi i miłośnicy strzelectwa docenią dodatkową wygodę łatwiejszego ładowania.
419PLN4419,00 zł
Czas dostawy ok. 14-21 dni. 4 szt. w magazynie w USA
Przeprojektowany pawl umożliwia szybsze i łatwiejsze ładowanie/rozładowywanie rewolwerów jednostrzałowych Ruger. Trzyma zasuwnicę z dala od rowków blokujących cylinder, kiedy otwarta jest bramka ładująca, co pozwala na swobodne obracanie cylindra w dowolnym kierunku. Nie ma potrzeby ponownego obracania cylindra, jeśli przekręcisz go za daleko; ułatwia to ustawienie pustej komory pod młotkiem. Pomaga zawodnikom strzeleckim w poprawie czasów i wyników przeładowania. Myśliwi, strzelcy sportowi i miłośnicy strzelectwa docenią dodatkową wygodę łatwiejszego ładowania.
SPECS: Stal. Blackhawk pasuje do nowego modelu Ruger Blackhawk, Bisley, Vaquero sprzed 2005 roku oraz do pojedynczych akcji Super Blackhawk. Vaquero pasuje do nowego Vaquero, z mniejszą ramą chwytu “XR3”, wprowadzoną w 2005 roku. Wymagane dopasowanie przez rusznikarza.
Quicker & Easier Loading, Unloading
Redesigned pawl enables faster and easier loading/unloading of Ruger single action revolvers. Holds the bolt away from the cylinder locking notches when the loading gate is open, so the cylinder can rotate freely in either direction. No need to spin the cylinder around again if you miss a click and go too far; makes it easier to set an empty chamber under the hammer. Helps competitive shooters improve reload times and scores. Hunters, target shooters, and outdoorsmen will enjoy the added convenience of easier reloading.
SPECS: Steel. Blackhawk fits Ruger new model Blackhawk, Bisley, pre-2005 Vaquero and Super Blackhawk single actions. Vaquero fits the New Vaquero, with the smaller “XR3” grip frame, introduced in 2005. Gunsmith fitting required.
Liczba ocen: 9
Od 9
Średnia ocena: 5
Power hit a home run with this one(29-04-2010)
I am always a bit skeptical about having to replace parts on new model firearms. When a new model Vaquero came in the shop with a broken pawl, I thought it was going to take a lot of time fitting it to the revolver. Not the case! The Power free spin pawl was literally a "drop in" part. Good show Power!
Truly a drop in product(10-12-2010)
In the past, with the Powers Free Spin pawls it was a toss up as to whether they would require fitting to achieve true freespin capablilites. With the free spin pawls for the New Vaqueros I have to date not had to fit a single one. Maybe I have just been lucky but I sure hope it continues because it is such a pleasure to drop in a part and be done with it.
Save yourself a headache, buy it!(19-06-2009)
I hated fumbling around trying to match the cylinder to the loading gate on my Vaquero. It never failed that I'd miss one and have to spin around all over again. This fixed the problem for good! It took a little stoning for it to match perfectly, but if you can follow directions, you can do it yourself. The only thing I miss is sound of the cylinder whir when it spun... It's silent now.
So worth the money!!!(02-10-2009)
Oh I love this thing! Buy it!!
Need I really say more, having the free spin on the cylinder is well worth it since it's typical that you somehow spin past where you can insert the bullet, then have to spin all the way around again.
Installation is super super simple, you just have to remove the trigger (bisley or blackhawk) and it's a simple drop in install.
While I was in there I noticed the trigger parts has some machine marks on them, so i polished them up with my dremel tool and that also made a huge differance to the trigger pull.
Old model Vaquero install(01-04-2010)
I have installed 2 in "old model" vaqueros, the original larger frame model. The instructions mention a "spacer" that needs to be installed with the pawl. I have not needed the spacer at all and it is a good thing since it is not included and I have not been able to determine what power custom is refering to. Other than that the instructions are easy to follow if you have decent skills. You don't need to be a gunsmith but neither of my installs were "drop in". Both took filing and stoning in 2 separate places (all readily explained in the instructions). As the instructions specify, you need to proceed a little at a time and not over do the filing or stoning. This necessitates several times of dismantling and reassembling the revolver, but done with some patience you will end up with a well "timed" and smooth operating revolver. I am ordering a couple more! Highly recommend!
Definitely worth the effort!(16-09-2010)
While not difficult to install, the free-spin pawl can sometimes prove to be tedious to fit properly. (Depends upon the individual firearm). Good, thorough instructions are provided.
A MUST for dangerous game hunting. If a bullet jumps the crimp to protrude past the cylinder face, when that round comes to battery, shooting ceases until that round is cleared. This pawl allows one to rotate the cylinder counter-clockwise (backwards), remove the offending round, and continue firing/reload/re-index as necessary.
I ALWAYS put one on my Ruger SA's when I'm doing a trigger job.
Great Product(17-02-2012)
This is one of those items that makes a good product even better. The Blackhawk that I installed this on required a considerable amount of fitting of the pawl(Brownels detent spring clamp 080-906-000 made the fitting bearable). The instruction sheet that accompanied the pawl were almost unreadable and,in fact, several lines were missing due to poor copying of the sheet. That being said, after installation it worked beautifully! For the competitve shooters it is a must!
Ruger Free Spin Pawl by Power Custom(28-07-2012)
I am an avid shooter and am rather fond of the Ruger S/A's. This product makes a good gun better. This eliminates the need to rotate the cylinder all the way around when over rotating while loading or unloading the gun. The installation is relatively easy and only minor fitting of the pawl was necessary in my Bisley. A diagram would've been helpful but any careful/competent gun owner can do this.
A must have for me(20-03-2017)
I have one in every Blackhawk I own. They are easy to install, especially if you watch Ron Power on YouTube. Take your time removing a small amount at a time and a free spin cylinder is guaranteed. Chances are extremely good this will NOT be a drop in part. You will need a sharp file, some way to hold the part while filing (hopefully you have a vice), and calipers to measure. Watch the video!